In force Publication date 01 Oct 22

The understudied nexus between national sports policy and clean sports behaviour: Dimensions, priorities, policy challenges and impacts

Principal investigator
F. Kiplamai
Kenyatta University
Year approved
Attitudes toward doping, Governance and Compliance

Project description


While the doping problem in sport is attributable to many factors at the micro, meso, and macro levels, much of the existing research has been limited on individual factors at the expense of meso and macro factors. Doping behaviour occurs within political, cultural, social, and policy contexts, and hence it is important to understand the impact of these factors on clean sport behaviour. Despite the recognition that sports policy impacts the doping problem worldwide, little evidence has been found on the impact of sport policy on clean sport behaviour. This research seeks to correct this imbalance by providing evidence on national sports policy and clean sports behaviour. 



Policy experts from three countries will be sampled from nine population communities: national sports associations, anti-doping organizations, athletes, coaches, government institutions, Olympic committees, academic experts, lawmakers, and political leaders. A total of 80 individuals will be sampled from the targeted communities as highlighted in the sample size table attached in the additional document section.

Modified Delphi design will be utilized in data collection and methodology in two broad phases. The first phase will focus on the review of existing policy documents, and the second phase will consist of a Delphi process enabling the identification of the sports policy, analysis of sport policy impact on clean sport behaviour, finalize the rankings of priorities, structures, and challenges in developing a sport policy-clean sport behaviour framework.



This is an ongoing two-years research project whose results are expected to be presented in 2025.


Potential significance for Clean Sport

The findings of this project may positively impact doping prevention and education in Africa RADO V region. The project fosters more engagement and collaboration with institutions involved in anti-doping in Africa RADO v zone, particularly with the sports movement, National Anti-doping Organizations (NADOs), and public authorities, to increase support, unity, and coherence in everyone's efforts. In nurturing collaboration of NADOs and universities in the region, organizational culture that fosters sharing of issues, constructive dialogue, collaboration, and collegiality will be instilled within NADOs in the development of effective anti-doping prevention programmes for athletes. The strengthening of partnership in Africa RADO v zone amongst NADOs and universities would result in more impact by identifying high impact areas for promoting clean sport through national policy. As a result, more resources would be channeled to these areas widening the education work and ensuring a strong anti-doping message in Eastern Africa countries.

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