In June 2022, WADA was awarded a grant by the European Commission, to increase anti-doping intelligence and investigation capacity in Europe, reduce the prevalence of doping in sport and maximize the health benefits for European youth practicing clean sport.
The Intelligence and Investigation Capability and Capacity Building project involved around 48 countries, 51 anti-doping organizations and 48 law enforcement agencies in Europe.
The multi-phase project runs over two years and aims to:
- Provide online and in-person training to anti-doping organizations staff to help them increase in-house capacity with regards to intelligence and investigations
- Support collaboration and information sharing between European National Anti-Doping Organizations' (NADOs) I&I teams and law enforcement agencies
- Demonstrate to decision makers the importance of I&I to prevent doping in sport
- Raise public awareness of the prevalence and threat of doping in youth amateur sports, not only among elite athletes
The project is based on three core activities:
Education and Training
Annual Seminar for Decision Makers
Public Awareness Campaign
2024 Annual Symposium - I&I sessions feedback from participants
This project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.
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