Paris 2024 – Resources for athletes

Find everything you need to know as you prepare for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024.

We have tools and resources to support you every step of the way, ensuring you have all the information you need for a clean, fair, and successful competition.

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ADEL Courses for Paris 2024

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    Our Anti-Doping Education and Learning (ADEL) platform offers comprehensive courses to keep you informed about anti-doping rules and regulations and help you understand your rights and responsibilities before, during, and after the Games.  

Athletes' Anti-Doping Ombuds

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    Need advice or guidance? The Athletes’ Anti-Doping Ombuds is here to help. Operating independently of WADA, the Ombuds is a free and confidential resource for athletes with questions or concerns about anti-doping issues.  

Speak Up platform

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    If you have any concerns about doping or unethical practices, you can use the Speak Up platform, which allows athletes, their support personnel, and all others who may have information to share regarding a possible Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) to provide the information to WADA in a confidential manner. 

Athlete Engagement Team

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    For any questions or additional support, our dedicated Athlete Engagement team is ready to assist. Reach out to them at, and they will provide the information and support you need to navigate your anti-doping journey smoothly. 

    Come visit our booth in the Athlete Village to participate in the Play True Quiz, learn how to compete clean, win some exclusive gear, and more. We look forward to engaging with you and supporting your commitment to clean sport!