In force

Preventing doping among young people in France and Spain: A multidimensional approach to the processes of doping behaviour

Principal investigator
D. Bodin
E. Péchillon
A. Criado Contreras
J. Renaud
N. Arjona Garci
Université de Rennes 2
Year approved
Adolescent, Youth, Talent-level, Children, Education and prevention

Project description


Understanding and preventing doping among young athletes in Spain and France. To dope or not to dope: Comparative approach to the processes of resorting to doping and combating doping among young athletes in Spain and France" is a study aimed at identifying young athletes' relationship to doping in their rise to high performance levels and pursuit of results in sport. It will entail a contemporaneous analysis of the problem of doping from 1975 until the present using three sports as an example (track and field, basketball and cycling) in two European countries where this issue seems to have been addressed differently. Three levels of study will be used and linked to one another:

1. A historical level

2. A legal level

3. A psychosocial level.

These three levels cannot be separated; an understanding of why athletes resort to doping or, on the contrary, learn "normal" behaviors, lies in the links between the three levels. It is not simply a matter of improving our knowledge of each of those levels, but also of observing how these different levels interact and allow us to understand why young athletes either resort to doping behavior or choose not to do so. The purpose of this work therefore falls entirely into the first category of projects set out by the WADA-AMA, namely: "Increasing knowledge of causes of doping behavior and influences that effect such behaviour" and even the risks of doping and factors for preventing it. Of course, we will also be assessing the existing intervention programs and analyzing behaviour patterns and cultural distinctions at the same time.


Archival analysis of sport policy documents in ministries of France and Spain


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The final report is only available in French.

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