Testing Center


Test Distribution Planning (TDP) is a key component of the International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI). Under the ISTI:

  • Article 5.4.1: WADA, in consultation with International Federations and other Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs), will adopt a Technical Document (the Technical Document for Sport Specific Analysis -TDSSA) that establishes by means of a risk assessment which Prohibited Substances and/or Prohibited Methods are most likely to be abused in particular sports and sport disciplines.
  • Article 5.4.2: Starting with that risk assessment, each ADO with Testing authority shall develop and implement an effective, intelligent and proportionate test distribution plan that prioritizes appropriately between disciplines, categories of Athletes, types of Testing, types of Samples collected, and types of Sample analysis.

About Testing Center

  • As of 22 January 2020, WADA’s new Testing Center module was made available to ADOs for use through WADA’s ‘Next Gen’ Anti-Doping and Administration Management System (ADAMS).
  • Testing Center replaces ADAMS Classic TDP.
  • It provides ADOs with an improved means to control, plan (forecast) and manage their testing program.
  • It provides faster and increasingly standardized processes for ADOs to assess and report the relevant metrics for their testing programs.

Its Features

1. Testing program monitoring

  • Testing Center has a new dashboard that provides a useful overview of all testing activity.

2. Test Distribution Planning

  • It allows ADOs to easily enter annual testing plans in ADAMS: full year, quarterly or monthly for any sport/discipline.
  • It shows real-time progress based on entered doping control forms as well as reported laboratory results.

3. TDSSA monitoring

  • It consolidates all relevant data onto a single page.
  • It provides an overview of how ADOs compare to the Minimum Level of Analysis (MLA) for each sport/discipline.
  • It quickly identifies any shortcomings with TDSSA compliance.

Its Attributes