In force

Learning about psycho-social determinants of doping behaviour through the testimony of sanctioned athletes

Principal investigator
M. Piffaretti
AC&T Sport Consulting, University of Lausanne
Year approved
Attitudes toward doping, Sanctioned athletes, Prohibited Substance Users

Project description

The main objective of the study is to gain knowledge about the psychological and psycho-social determinants of their doping behavior, by interviewing sanctioned athletes. Moreover, the investigation aims to assess how athletes experience the banning period, while identifying their specific needs. With such intelligence, the study aims to launch a new project encompassing:

1) PRIMARY PREVENTION: to enrich the prevention campaigns for young athletes with the testimonials of experienced athletes.

2) SECUNDARY PREVENTION: to improve detection of psychological attitudes and risky behaviors in young athletes.

3) TERTIARY PREVENTION: to contribute to the set-up of a prevention programme to decrease sanctioned athletes' relapse risk and to improve their chances for a sport and/or professional relocation.

In this study, 11 athletes who were sanctioned for their substance abuse by their national or international federation, and were willing to speak out about their behavior, were interviewed through a theory-based interview guide. In particular, questions focused on the motivational orientations of the athletes, the perception they have about their environment, and the the perception of the challenges like career transitions, injury or competitive pressure.

The study allowed to clarify the role of the athletes‟ awareness, sport transition, motivations, stress level and perception of anti-doping and ethical norms in their sporting environment, on the risk to violate the anti-doping code. Secondarily, it shed a light on the psychological and emotional reactions of the athletes who are banned from their sport for a long period, while throwing a light on their specific needs, to minimize risks of relapse or psychological distress.

Significance for Clean Sport

With such intelligence, a new comprehensive prevention programme, named WINDOP, is being launched to offer Sports Federations and the overall sports community services that can be distinguished by three levels of prevention: primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention.


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