In force Publication date 22 Sep 21

Influence of achievement goal orientation, motivational climate and sport supplements use on attitudes towards doping among Kenya secondary school athletes

Principal investigator
D. Ngetich
MOI University
Year approved
Adolescent, Youth, Talent-level, Children, Attitudes toward doping

Project description



By using a cross-sectional analytical design, the study aims to develop understanding of pathways of how sport supplement use influences identification of prevention and intervention strategies at an early stage. The findings will enhance the efficacy of educational programs and inform policies on doping prevention and clean sports achievement. This study intends to establish relationship between achievement goal orientation (AGO), motivational climate (MC) and attitudes towards doping (ATD). Besides, if there is any association between AGO, MC, SS and (ATD) (Nicholls, & Jones, 2013). Gender, age, type of sport and playing experience for the respondents will be controlled to normalize the results for better and more reliable inference. The target population will consist of 3,300 Kenya Secondary Schools National athletes. The outcome of this research entails:

• Understanding of the pathways of how sports supplement (SS) use influences or acts as a gateway to doping may help identify targets for prevention and intervention strategies at an early stage.

• Understanding of athlete's information on achievement goal orientation (AGO) and motivational climate (MC) is necessary as a predetermination of future performance potential and doping prevention.

• Findings will be used by coaches and sports trainers in understanding the athletes and Ministry of Education, Sports, and Ant-Doping Agency of Kenya to enhance the efficacy of educational programs and in formulating policies on doping prevention and clean sports achievement.

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