In force Publication date 01 Oct 22

Evaluating the impact of the WADA International Standard for Education (ISE) at the global and anti-doping organization (ADO) levels

Principal investigator
I. Boardley
J. Woolf
S. Chen
United Kingdom
University of Birmingham
Year approved
Education and prevention, Governance and Compliance, Sport/ADO Administrators

Project description


The International Standard for Education (ISE) came into force on January 1st, 2021. The overarching objective of the ISE is to support the preservation of the spirit of sport and help foster a clean sport environment. To achieve this, it sets out the requirements for Anti-Doping Organisations (ADOs), requiring them to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate education programmes that incorporate four primary components (i.e., values-based education, awareness raising, information provision, and anti-doping education). Now that the ISE has been in operation for a full annual cycle, it is important to evaluate the impact of the ISE’s implementation. To achieve this, we will conduct an impact evaluation at the global level, and process and outcome evaluations at the ADO level.


At the global level, the outcome indicators will originate from: a) a compliance questionnaire ADOs complete, and b) education plans and evaluation reports submitted to WADA. The compliance questionnaire includes quantitative and open-ended questions relating to ISE implementation. We will utilise data on mandated (i.e., situation assessment, identification of education pool, objectives, education activities) and non-mandated (i.e., cooperation with external organisations; values-based education with wider populations) aspects of implementation. Education plans and evaluation reports will provide more detailed data on planned activities and internal programme evaluation.

At ADO level, process and outcome evaluations will be conducted using a convergent parallel mixed methods approach (Creswell, 2014). Kirkpatrick’s (1994, 2015) model will underpin the evaluation, appraising responses to ISE implementation at four levels: a) reaction (i.e., how did athletes, ASP and ADO staff react to ISE implementation?), b) learning (i.e., did changes in knowledge and attitudes occur in athletes/ASP?), c) behaviour (i.e., has athlete, ASP, and ADO staff behaviour changed?), and d) results (i.e., what impact did ISE implementation have on relevant outcomes?).


This is an ongoing three-years research project whose results are expected to be presented in 2026.


Potential significance for Clean Sport

This project aims to make a significant contribution to the prevention of doping and the promotion of clean sport. By documenting the volume and nature of anti-doping and clean sport education, as well as differences from the period prior to the implementation of the ISE, this evaluation will provide WADA with essential evidence to help determine whether the ISE is being implemented as intended. In addition, it will provide valuable information for planning future iterations of the ISE. Specifically, it will help WADA determine where revisions can lead to improved education.


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