In force Publication date 08 Sep 21

Assessment of prevalence and predisposing factor of doping among athletes in dominant Olympic sport in Kenya

Principal investigator
M. Yauma
Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya
Year approved
Attitudes toward doping

Project description

Research objectives:

  • To investigate the extent of performance enhancing substance use amongst athletes in dominant Olympic sports in Kenya.
  • To establish the precipitating factors of doping behaviour among athletes in dominant Olympic sports in Kenya.
  • To examine the knowledge of athletes on the World Anti-Doping Agency prohibited substances in Olympic dominant sports in Kenya.
  • To examine doping attitudes of athletes in dominant Olympic sports in Kenya.
  • To analyse doping vulnerability amongst athletes in dominant Olympic sports in Kenya.
  • To determine whether doping prevalence, precipitating factors, knowledge, attitudes and vulnerability are mediated by selected demographic factors of gender, age, type of sport and experience

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