In force

Stability testing of antibody 1A8

ICI Immunochemical Intelligence
Year approved
Growth Hormone (GH)

Project description

Code: R11B01JS

The research group of N. Leuenberger. J. Saugy, R. B. Mortensen, P. J. Schatz. S. Giraud and M. Saugy has demonstrated the detection or Hema tide™ (OMONTYS.., in anti-doping samples. This approach 1s based on the measurement of pegmesatlde in human serum/plasma samples by an assay and western blot employing specific monoclonal antibodies. This test has been implemented in WADA accredited laboratories as research test system based on ELISA (Enzyme-Linked lmmunoSorbent Assay) technique (screening method) and western blot (confirmation method}.

Actually the coated antibody of the assay is fresh coated directly before the measurement. Between different antibody batches there are variations in the geherated data of the ELISA The aim of this project Is to identfly a method to ensure antibody batches which result m reproducible data. Diflerent methods of antibody production, coating and storage of the antibody and the coated rnicroplate will be tested to establish a safe verilication procedure to detect 􀁶g1nesatide in human blood samples.

The successful development of a stable and functional coated antl-peginesatide antibody is ot

crucial importance for the avarlability of commercial test kits.