In force

Comprehensive evaluation of commercial anti-human EPO antibodies for TD2021EPO

Principal investigator
C. Reichel
Austrian Research Centers GmbH- ARC
Year approved

Project description

Code: 21B07CR

All detection methods for ERA-doping are currently based on electrophoretic separation and Western blotting and due to its high sensitivity apply the same primary antibody (clone AE7A5 anti-EPO

antibody). Upon initiative of the grant applicant, a biotinylated version of the antibody was generated in 2018, which led to further increase in sensitivity and simplification of the method. The antibody

also became part of WADA TD2021EPO. One drawback of clone AE7A5 antibody is that it non-specifically binds to some proteins, which are present in human urine and blood. The non-specific

binding is caused by the fact, that the peptide used for generating the antibody contained two errors in the amino acid sequence. Hence, all doping control samples have to be first immunoaffinity-purified before electrophoresis. For this purpose, a different EPO antibody has to be used. To ensure better selectivity both the ISL [11] and the TD2021EPO, even if not totally mandatory, recommend that the CP differs from the ITP. Since no alternative to clone AE7A5 antibody is known so far, laboratories have to establish two different immunoaffinity purification procedures for ITP and CP. On the other hand, there are ca. 150 anti-human EPO antibodies commercially available, which have largely not been compared with clone AE7A5 antibody regarding sensitivity and selectivity. If an alternative antibody could be found, this would not only simplify EPO testing but would also generate more flexibility for the ITP and CP. Aim of the proposed project is a large scale evaluation of commercial anti-human EPO antibodies. About 100 antibodies will be tested regarding their sensitivity and selectivity in comparison with clone AE7A5 EPO antibody.