In force Publication date 13 Apr 15

Pharmacological characterization of nucleosides as potential modulators of erythropoietin production and effects

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Project Title: Pharmacological characterization of nucleosides as potential modulators of erythropoietin production and effects

Researchers: P. A. Borea, S. Merighi (University of Ferrara, Italy); M. Vitale, P. Mirandola, G. Gobbi, A. Bonetti (University of Parma, Italy)

Year accepted: 2009

Summary: We want to develop a standard routine procedure protocol to use the system in routine analysis. We also want to further enhance the sensitivity of the system by validation the newly generated SP system. In addition our SC system will be used to identify new long-term metabolites of anabolic steroids. So SC will in addition further improve the sensitivity of the GCMS detection systems.

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