In force Publication date 02 Mar 18

Selection of the most appropriate markers of SARMs misuse. The role of physiological and environmental factors

Project description

Project Title: Selection of the most appropriate markers of SARMs misuse. The role of physiological and environmental factors

Researchers: Dr. M. Mazzarino, Prof. F. Botrè

Institution: Federazione Medico Sportiva Italiana, Italy

Year accepted: 2017

Summary: In this project, we plan to extend the data reported in literature by investigating the phase I and phase II metabolism of SARMs (e.g. RAD140, LGD2226, LGD4033) by in vitro assays. The enzymatic isoforms involved in their metabolism together with the effects of physiological and environmental factors will be also investigated. This information will be useful to select the most appropriate marker(s) of use also in the presence of potential confounding factors (e.g., non prohibited drugs).

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