In force Publication date 13 Apr 15

Improvement of a Myostatin Imperacer assay towards a high-sensitive test system for the detection of anabolic manipulations, including gene doping strategies

Project description

Project Title: Improvement of a Myostatin Imperacer assay towards a high-sensitive test system for the detection of anabolic manipulations, including gene doping strategies

Researchers: P. Diel, T. Schiffer, H. Geyer (German Sports University, Cologne, Germany), F. Wintgens (Immundiagnostik AG, Germany), M. Adler (Chimera Biotec GmbH, Germany)

Year accepted: 2008

Summary: In the current project we want to further enhance the sensitivity and reliability of the Myostatin Imperacer® assay. We will systematically test if abuse of anabolic steroids is detectable by the established Myostatin Imperacer® assay. We are going to compare ratios measured in venous and capillary blood of abusing and non-abusing body builders to ratios measures in saliva. In addition, in an animal experimental study, mice will be treated with myostatin antisense oligonucleotides and rats with different anabolic steroids. The Myostatin Imperacer® assay and Western Blotting will be used to analyze ratios of relevant proteins in blood and skeletal muscle tissue.

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