In force Publication date 01 Apr 15

13C/12C Analysis of Urinary Epitestosterone

Project description

Project Title: 13C/12C-Analysis of Urinary Epitestosterone

Researchers: W. Schänzer, T. Piper

Institution: German Sport University, Cologne, Germany

Year accepted: 2007

Summary: The method of choice in this situation is the measurement of the ratio of the two stable carbon isotopes 12C and 13C by gas chromatography / combustion / isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS). The method is employed routinely to discriminate endogenous from exogenous testosterone. It requires minimum amounts of carbon that are corresponding to about 10 to 100ng per compound. Unfortunately, till now no method has been developed to clean up epitestosterone sufficient for GC/C/IRMS.

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