
WADA's Play True Quiz is an interactive computer game that tests athletes’ knowledge about anti-doping.

Play True Quiz

An integral element of its Outreach Program, WADA devoted considerable resources to the development of the interactive computer game which has been showcased at major events including the Olympics, Paralympics and many world championships.

The Quiz is currently available in 47 languages. Start testing your knowledge!

Play True Quiz Link Program

Through WADA’s Play True Quiz Link Program, stakeholders can add the Play True Quiz to their organization's Web site, providing athletes and members of the athlete entourage a fun and interactive way to learn more about the dangers of doping and their responsibilities under the World Anti-Doping Code.

How to add the Play True Quiz to your Web site

By sending a request to communications@wada-ama.org, stakeholders will receive an e-mail containing options for Web stickers (see options below) along with the source code linking to the Play True Quiz.