Paris 2024 - Athlete Council Q&A

WADA’s Athlete Council has published Questions & Answers which responds to the most common questions being asked, including around the level of testing and education that athletes who qualify to compete in the Olympic or Paralympic Games can expect to receive.

Dear fellow athletes,

As the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris are fast approaching, we hope that those of you intending to be in Paris are on track with your training. We wish you all the best! Regarding anti-doping, WADA has received several questions from athletes around many different aspects of preparations for the Games from an anti-doping perspective. As such, we have compiled a list of questions and worked with WADA, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the International Testing Agency (ITA) to provide you with answers as comprehensive as possible. We hope you will find it helpful and that it provides you with some reassurance. The truth is there are several organizations working together to help ensure your right to compete on a level playing field in Paris is upheld! While we intend to continue to keep you informed ahead of Paris 2024, we also invite you to reach out to us with any questions at Yours in clean sport,


Ryan Pini, Chair of WADA’s Athlete Council & Gaby Ahrens, Vice-Chair of WADA’s Athlete Council

Questions & Answers