
WADA signs two agreements to promote anti-doping education in South Korea

mou signing korea

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and Korea Anti-Doping Agency (KADA) have entered into two separate agreements with organizations in South Korea to promote the values of clean sport through education.

Last week, WADA, KADA, the Pukyong National University in Busan, South Korea, and the Research Chair on Anti-Doping in Sport of the Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the creation and development of a course on anti-doping to be offered at the Korean university. The course will cover all aspects of the anti-doping system and will be aimed at students studying for degrees in physical education.

This week, WADA and KADA signed a second MoU, with the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO) to collaborate closely in developing anti-doping educational materials and programs. Once developed by KADA with support from WADA, the educational programs will be implemented by the KSPO, which is a public body that promotes sports for everyone, with the overall objective of improving the performance levels of Korean athletes and supporting young athletes as they seek to achieve their goals in sport. The anti-doping information will be aimed at young athletes with the purpose of providing them with the tools and education they need to compete clean throughout their careers.

WADA President, Witold Bańka, who signed both MoUs in South Korea on behalf of the Agency, said: “WADA believes that education is the single best way to prevent doping in sport and that these partnerships will provide a big boost in this regard for anti-doping in Korea and throughout the region. WADA is increasing access to education and information programs worldwide with the very goal of preventing intentional and unintentional use of prohibited substances and methods. The university course that will come from the first memorandum of understanding is another step forward in this effort. It allows our partners from the Université de Sherbrooke and at the Korea Anti-Doping Agency to bring their expertise, experience and perspective in anti-doping research and education to a new audience, helping to spread knowledge and capacity around the world.

“WADA’s Education Department is increasing access to education and information programs worldwide for athletes and their support personnel. It provides support, guidance and tools, helping Anti-Doping Organizations to create and implement education programs. It is this philosophy that underpins the signing of the agreement with the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation. I would like to thank the Korea Anti-Doping Agency and all the other organizations involved in these MoUs, for having the vision and commitment to recognize the importance of education in clean sport and for delivering these initiatives for the good of athletes.”

President of KADA, Lee Young-Hee, said: “I am very pleased to have signed these agreements with the KSPO to raise anti-doping awareness and spread values of sport, and with Pukyong National University to establish an anti-doping education program within the university. These two MoUs will play a role in building a healthy and fair playing field for athletes. I believe this will be remembered as a global exemplary case that contributes to the spread of sports values and the creation of a fair sports environment.”

President of Pukyong National University, Jang Young-Soo, said: “Based on the specialized capabilities of Pukyong National University, we will establish a collaborative network with international organizations through a collaboration between industry and academia. By doing so, we will build a mutually beneficial system that promotes the advancement of anti-doping studies, talent development, and regional industrial growth, fostering cooperation with the local community and the world.

Chair of KSPO, Cho Hyun-Jae, said: “I believe that this agreement will develop excellent anti-doping content, spread sports values and promote the Olympic Movement. I have no doubt that even greater synergies can be created if the three organizations continue to work together closely.

About the Agreements

Under the terms of the MoU, the Pukyong National University will incorporate the anti-doping course into its existing physical education curriculum and provide the necessary facilities and resources to deliver it to students. It will also encourage student enrollment in the course and ensure that it is adequately promoted among the student body.

In May 2022, WADA selected the South Korean city of Busan as host of its 2025 World Conference on Doping in Sport, which will engage the anti-doping community in high-level discussion and debate about the global anti-doping program, practices, and processes. As part of this agreement, Pukyong National University will contribute to the training of volunteers in Busan for the World Conference.

KADA’s role will be to collaborate with the university in developing the curriculum for the course, ensuring it aligns with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), and to provide the necessary educational materials to enhance the course’s quality and effectiveness.

For its part, WADA will assist KADA in the development of anti-doping education materials and programs and will ensure that the course curriculum is relevant, up-to-date and in line with the terms of the Code.

In 2019, WADA entered into an agreement with the Université de Sherbrooke, which created a Chair of Anti-Doping in Sport. The Chair is a research entity that’s mission is to develop multidisciplinary research and teaching expertise on anti-doping and sport. As per the MoU, students from the Pukyong National University will have access to the online graduate diploma courses in sport governance and anti-doping offered by the Université de Sherbrooke Business School. The Chair of Anti-Doping at Université de Sherbrooke will also assist the Pukyong National University in the development of the curriculum and deliver lectures to students there, as appropriate. In addition, the two universities may explore opportunities for joint research projects.

Meanwhile, under the terms of the MoU with KSPO, KADA agrees to develop and implement experiential values-based educational initiatives, workshops, and awareness campaigns aimed at promoting clean sport in cooperation with WADA and KSPO. It will also collaborate in sharing relevant information, research and data, related to anti-doping and sports values.

KSPO’s role will be to cooperate in the development of educational programs and awareness campaigns to spread sports values, and in the implementation of joint programs to raise awareness of anti-doping domestically in South Korea.

For its part, WADA agrees to assist KADA in the development of anti-doping education materials and programs starting in 2024 through the provision and access to WADA-selected material developed by WADA’s Education Department or other Anti-Doping Organizations.