
WADA signs agreement with Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports of French-speaking Countries

Today, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports of French-speaking Countries (CONFEJES) signed a partnership agreement that strengthens the integrity of sport and helps tackle doping within the 43 CONFEJES member countries.

Signed by WADA Director General, Olivier Niggli, and CONFEJES Secretary General, Bouramah Ali Harouna, the agreement ensures that CONFEJES will incentivize its members to ratify and implement the terms of the UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport as well as the principles of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code).

In addition, under the terms of the agreement, CONFEJES undertakes to encourage its members to harmonize their national anti-doping policies with the Code and related International Standards, while also reviewing all aspects of their programs to ensure they comply with the relevant guidelines and international best practices.

CONFEJES will also encourage its members that do not have National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) to establish and adequately resource them, while also supporting the work and projects of the Regional Anti-Doping Organizations (RADOs) in their respective regions.

Mr. Niggli said: “This agreement is yet another step forward for clean sport around the world. It ensures a closer relationship of collaboration between WADA and all Francophone Governments of the world, many of which are located in Africa, with the end goal being greater success among those countries in fulfilling their anti-doping commitments. 



“Sport is such an important social force all over the world and must be protected from those who would cheat the system. Under this agreement, CONFEJES is making a strong statement on behalf of the Francophone nations of the world that they support the global anti-doping program and are united in their resistance to doping in sport.”


Mr. Ali Harouna said: “CONFEJES is delighted to formally engage with WADA through this agreement, in support of the protection of the rights of our athletes and the upholding of clean sport. A co-operation agreement between the two organizations was first signed in 2007, and this new agreement will undoubtedly contribute towards achieving the common goal of eradicating doping from sport in the CONFEJES member countries.


“We look forward to collaborating further with WADA and to pooling our efforts and resources to ensure this partnership strengthens the global fight against doping in sport.”


Throughout the implementation of this agreement, CONFEJES will also support the necessary training of those working in anti-doping in their member countries, cooperate with WADA in its Code compliance monitoring and conduct education and awareness activities on the protection of clean sport within the Francophone world, including the promotion of values-based education in school environments in the member countries.


For its part, WADA will provide support and collaborate with CONFEJES on various projects aimed at implementing the Code and building capacity by providing expert technical assistance on an ongoing basis through advice, education, training and research while also involving CONFEJES in various initiatives being taken by WADA around the world.