
WADA Seeks Host for 2025 World Conference on Doping in Sport

Conference of Parties

On 24 November 2021, the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) Executive Committee agreed on a proposal from WADA Management to organize a Sixth World Conference on Doping in Sport in November 2025. Today, WADA is calling upon interested cities and countries that may be interested in hosting the Conference.

The World Conference convenes athletes and more than 1,500 representatives from the Sport Movement, Governments, National and Regional Anti-Doping Organizations, service providers, researchers and the media – all that are integral to the mission for doping-free sport. The previous host cities of the World Conference were Lausanne, Switzerland (1999), Copenhagen, Denmark (2003), Madrid, Spain (2007), Johannesburg, South Africa (2013) and Katowice, Poland (2019).

This edition of the World Conference will engage the anti-doping community in high-level discussion and debate about the global anti-doping program, practices and processes; and, allow the community to take stock of progress being made towards the November 2019 Katowice Declaration. The Declaration called upon “all stakeholders in the fight against doping in sport to reinforce their efforts to strengthen their cooperation in every possible way; to present a unified front to strive to eradicate doping in sport; to increase resources dedicated to protecting clean sport; and, to bring all perpetrators to account, without limitation.”

WADA asks cities and countries that are interested in submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) to host the Conference, to:

  • Consult the linked document, which outlines the decision process, timelines and criteria for selecting a host city; and
  • Submit an EOI, in English and/or French, by Friday, 25 March 2022 at 17:00 PM Montreal time.

A decision regarding the host city will be taken in May 2022 by WADA’s Foundation Board.

For any questions or comments, please contact WADA’s Manager, Projects & Events, Anaïs Lefevre, at