
WADA seeks candidates for one seat on its Independent Ethics Board

meeting table

Deadline: 1 February 2024

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is seeking candidates to fill one Independent Member seat of the Agency’s Independent Ethics Board (IEB). The IEB, alongside the Ethics Officer, is charged with implementing WADA’s Code of Ethics, which was approved by the WADA Foundation Board (Board) in November 2021 and recently revised in November 2023. The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to establish clear ethical standards over the activities of WADA Officials (as defined within the Code of Ethics) to allow the Agency to achieve its global collaborative mission for doping-free sport and protect its core values.

In May 2022, the Board approved the inaugural membership of the IEB which is a Permanent Special Committee that is composed of nine members: one Independent Chair, six Independent Members, one Sport Movement Member and one Public Authority Member. One of the Independent Member positions will become vacant in May 2024, and this call for interest is aimed at finding a new IEB Member with a similar profile and skillset to that of the outgoing Member.

WADA’s Code of Ethics, which includes the Regulations of the IEB and Rules of Procedure, can be found here.


WADA is seeking candidates to fill one Independent Member seat of the IEB. Appropriately experienced candidates from outside the anti-doping community are encouraged to apply for this seat.

Applications are to be submitted to WADA’s independent Nominations Committee, which has formed a selection panel composed of two of its members and the outgoing IEB member. The Nominations Committee Panel will make an initial determination to retain a number of candidates and may also search for and identify suitable candidate profiles for the position to ensure a robust candidate pool is available.

The Nominations Committee Panel will submit the results of its work, including the relevant dossiers and a recommendation on each candidate, to the WADA President and Vice-President. Appointment to, and any removal from, the IEB is decided by the Board.  It is expected that the recommended candidate will be presented for approval by circulatory vote to the Board in April 2024, with an entry into office on 19 May 2024 for a three-year term.    

Experience and expertise requirement

In order to maintain the balance of skills and competencies currently in the IEB, the new IEB Member shall have knowledge or experience in ethics or legal matters as well as experience at the senior management level in investigations, compliance investigations, or criminal prosecutions. Candidates are invited to consult the Position Profile for a comprehensive list of requirements.

Independence criteria

All members of the IEB (except for the two members designated by the Public Authorities and the Sport Movement) must meet the WADA Operational, Personal, and Organizational Independence criteria(1)in force at the time of their application and for the duration of their appointment.

Term of office

The new IEB Member will be appointed for a term of three years commencing 19 May 2024 and may be reappointed for two further terms of three years provided they continue to meet all relevant eligibility criteria. There are no age limits. A member may not serve on the IEB for more than nine years in total.

Expected time requirement

The IEB holds administrative meetings during the year by videoconference and meets annually in person. The time commitment required of members otherwise depends on the number, frequency, and complexity of cases to be adjudicated under the Code of Ethics.

An independent Ethics Officer was selected by the IEB in March 2023. The Ethics Officer functions as the first responder to complaints and undertakes investigations, where required, prior to referring any files to the IEB and any Panel being formed to adjudicate a case.

Compensation arrangements

WADA is a not-for-profit organization funded by member contributions and compensation arrangements reflect this nature.

Per the Board’s determination, members of the IEB receive an annual honorarium, and a per diem when empaneled on a matter. This compensation model is specific to the IEB and is in line with the Code of Ethics and WADA’s current compensation policy. Expenses incurred with respect to meetings are covered by WADA.

How to submit applications

Applications are to be forwarded by Thursday, 1 February 2024 to Ms. Diane Smith-Gander AO, Chair, WADA Nominations Committee (c/o

To be considered, all applications must include the following:

  1. a motivation letter, expressing reasons behind interest in appointment;
  2. an updated curriculum vitae(2) fully outlining current and past roles,  relevant experience and expertise; and
  3. a completed Declaration of Independence Form, confirming that the required independence criteria are met.

Applicants that are retained will be requested to provide up to three referees who may be contacted by the Nominations Committee Panel. Retained applicants will also be asked to consent to the use of third-party services to conduct background checks and vetting. 

Any questions should be directed to Ms. Diane Smith-Gander AO, c/o


(1) These criteria are set out in the Regulations on Independence in WADA’s Governance Regulations and can be consulted in the Declaration of Independence Form mentioned above.

(2) For purposes of review, evaluation, and approval, candidates consent to the sharing of their curriculum vitae and candidate file (and personal information contained therein) with the WADA Administration and the Nominations Committee, as well as the Executive Committee and/or Foundation Board, in accordance with WADA’s Privacy Policy. Candidates are asked to review the Privacy Policy for details about how their personal information will be processed by WADA. By submitting their application, candidates confirm that they have read and understood the Privacy Policy and accept its terms.