
WADA publishes testing figures and calls on Anti-Doping Organizations to take full advantage of IOC’s long-term sample storage

ballet athlete

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to publish the latest global testing figures, which show that the anti-doping community has managed to maintain close to normal levels of testing around the world throughout 2021 despite ongoing challenges presented by COVID-19.

WADA also calls on all Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) – International Federations (IFs), National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) and Regional Anti-Doping Organizations (RADOs) – to make the most of the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC’s) long-term storage program so that samples collected by ADOs from athletes in the lead-up to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games can be stored securely and without cost to ADOs at the International Testing Agency’s (ITA’s) storage facility in Switzerland. The samples can then be used in the future for further analysis as new scientific and analytical methods are continually being developed.

The latest testing figures, outlined in the tables below, show that almost 274,254 doping control samples were collected by 256 ADOs in 2021, compared to 168,256 samples collected by 207 ADOs in 2020 and just over 305,881 by 253 ADOs in 2019. While the level of in-competition testing remains lower than in pre-pandemic times, primarily because of fewer events taking place in 2021, the number of out-of-competition samples in the past 12 months is more than for 2019.

WADA is very supportive of the implementation of the long-term sample storage program – delivered by the ITA on behalf of the IOC – where samples collected from Olympic athletes prior to the Games can be stored for up to 10 years at no cost to the ADO.

WADA President Witold Bańka said: “The latest testing figures show that the anti-doping community has managed to maintain high levels of testing despite a return of severe restrictions in many parts of the world due to Omicron and other variants of the virus. This demonstrates great resilience, collaboration and innovation as we continue to protect athletes in the build-up to next month’s Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing.

“I urge all Anti-Doping Organizations that have not yet done so, to take full advantage of the pre-Olympic long-term storage program. This excellent initiative allows them to put samples away securely for possible further analysis in the future. It has already proven to be effective to detect doping retrospectively as science advances. What makes this even better for the Anti-Doping Organizations is that the transport and storage costs are borne entirely by the IOC.

“In addition, in the build-up to the Games, I urge all Anti-Doping Organizations to make the most of the remaining time to ensure that all athletes bound for Beijing are properly tested and to implement the testing recommendations that they received from the Pre-Games Expert Group led by the International Testing Agency. WADA’s number-one priority remains public safety, and we continue to provide support and advice to Anti-Doping Organizations and athletes to make sure the integrity of the system is maintained in a safe and secure way.

“But it is not all about testing. As we look ahead to the Beijing Games, WADA has also encouraged and supported Anti-Doping Organizations worldwide to use all tools at their disposal, including in particular education, intelligence and investigations, and the Athlete Biological Passport, to ensure the best possible anti-doping programs.”

ADOs interested in making the most of this opportunity are asked to contact the ITA directly at

Testing Figures


  In Competition Out Of Competition Total
January 4251 10127 14378
February 5855 11973 17828
March 7786 15320 23106
April 7708 14709 22417
May 9404 17244 26648
June 10416 19189 29605
July 8074 17451 25525
August 9229 13620 22849
September 10847 13402 24249
October 11308 13230 24538
November 9657 14720 24377
December 7968 10766 18734
Grand total 102503 171751 274254



In Competition Out Of Competition Total
January 7742 12546 20288
February 11637 13622 25259
March 4339 6868 11207
April 9 569 578
May 113 2512 2625
June 972 6734 7706
July 2165 8916 11081
August 4748 9871 14619
September 6779 11920 18699
October 8015 13079 21094
November 5673 13963 19636
December 4584 10880 15464
Grand total 56776 111480 168256


  In Competition Out Of Competition Total
January 7551 9988 17539
February 11440 12379 23819
March 13794 13139 26933
April 12506 12713 25219
May 13455 13691 27146
June 13527 13377 26904
July 13151 14933 28084
August 13917 15443 29360
September 11623 15015 26638
October 11785 15112 26897
November 11204 15265 26469
December 8861 12012 20873
Grand total 142814 163067 305881