WADA publishes revised ISTI, ISTUE and TDSSA that are to come into force on 1 January 2023

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to publish the:
- revised International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI);
- revised International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE); and
- version 8.0 of the Technical Document for Sport Specific Analysis (TDSSA).
The revised ISTI and ISTUE were subjects of a stakeholder consultation process that WADA initiated in June 2022; and, all three documents were approved by WADA’s Executive Committee (ExCo) on 23 September 2022 and will enter into force on 1 January 2023.
2023 ISTI
The ISTI establishes mandatory standards for test distribution planning (including the collection and use of athlete whereabouts information), notification of athletes, preparing for and conducting sample collection, security/post-test administration of samples and documentation, and transport of samples to laboratories for analysis. It also establishes mandatory standards for the efficient and effective gathering, assessment and use of anti-doping intelligence, and for the efficient and effective conduct of investigations into possible Anti-Doping Rule Violations.
The stakeholder consultation process referenced above elicited over 120 comments from 23 stakeholders. All comments were closely reviewed by WADA’s Testing Department and the Strategic Testing Expert Advisory Group that discussed the comments and proposed a final version for the ExCo, which it reviewed and approved.
A detailed summary of modifications to the 2021 ISTI can be found here and the redlined version of the 2023 ISTI can be found here.
2023 ISTUE
The ISTUE provides a detailed, fair and understandable process for athletes, Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs), physicians and Athlete Support Personnel to follow when situations arise where, due to illness or medical condition, an athlete may require the use of substances or methods that are specifically included on WADA’s List of Prohibited Substances and Methods.
The stakeholder consultation process referenced above elicited over 100 comments from 27 stakeholders. All comments were closely reviewed by WADA’s ISTUE drafting team and members of the TUE Expert Advisory Group after which further revisions were made prior to proposing a final version to the ExCo, which it reviewed and approved.
A summary of modifications to the 2021 ISTUE can be found here and the redlined version of the 2023 ISTUE can be found here.
TDSSA version 8.0
The TDSSA is intended to ensure that the Prohibited Substances and/or Prohibited Methods within the scope of the TDSSA are subject to an appropriate and consistent minimum level of analysis by all ADOs that conduct testing in those sports or disciplines deemed at risk.
A summary of modifications to the TDSSA version 7.0 can be found here and the redlined version of the TDSSA version 8.0 can be found here.
Should you have any questions or comments regarding the 2023 ISTI and/or the TDSSA version 8.0, we invite you to contact Should you have any questions or comments regarding the 2023 ISTUE, we invite you to contact