
WADA publishes revised International Standards and updated Guidelines


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to publish the:

Both documents were approved by WADA’s Executive Committee (ExCo) on 17 November 2022 and will enter into force on 1 January 2023.

Additionally, we would like to remind stakeholders that the revised International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (2023 ISTUE), which was published in October, will also enter into force on 1 January 2023.

Today, we are also publishing the updated Guidelines to support Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) in their implementation and application of the 2023 ISTI (1-4 below) and 2023 ISTUE (5 below):

  1. Guidelines for Testing During a Pandemic
  2. Guidelines for Sample Collection Personnel
  3. Guidelines for Sample Collection
  4. Guidelines for Implementing an Effective Testing Program
  5. Guidelines for Therapeutic Use Exemptions

2023 ISTI

The ISTI establishes mandatory standards for test distribution planning (including the collection and use of athlete whereabouts information), notification of athletes, preparing for and conducting sample collection, security/post-test administration of samples and documentation, and transport of samples to laboratories for analysis. It also establishes mandatory standards for the efficient and effective gathering, assessment and use of anti-doping intelligence, and for the efficient and effective conduct of investigations into possible Anti-Doping Rule Violations.

The 2023 ISTI was previously approved by the ExCo in September and published in October, and has since been updated to include Annex K, “Collection of Urine Samples in a Virtual Environment during a Pandemic.” Annex K provides a new set of procedures for virtual testing during a pandemic that were developed by WADA and its Strategic Testing Expert Advisory Group over the past 24 months. Annex K was deferred at the September ExCo to allow for the Ethics Expert Advisory Group (EEAG) to review the procedures. Following the EEAG’s review and discussion on Annex K, the EEAG supported the introduction of the virtual testing procedures and also provided recommendations to be incorporated, resulting in this updated revision. Some minor clarifications were also made to Annex B, “Modifications for Athletes who are Minors.”  

The redlined version of the 2023 ISTI can be found here

2023 ISRM

The ISRM sets out the core responsibilities of ADOs with respect to Results Management. In addition to describing certain general principles of Results Management, the ISRM also sets out the core obligations applicable to the various phases of Results Management from the initial review and notification of potential anti-doping rule violations, through Provisional Suspensions, the assertion of anti-doping rule violations and proposal of Consequences, the Hearing Process until the issuance and notification of the decision and appeal.

The 2023 ISRM reflects new features being integrated into the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), namely the Endocrine Module and the addition of new steroid markers measured in blood to the Steroidal Module. The amendments are found almost exclusively in Annex C, which describes the requirements and procedures for Results Management for the ABP. From 19 August to 9 September 2022, WADA conducted a stakeholder consultation process regarding the proposed ABP related changes only. The proposals were generally supported, and some additional minor adjustments were made based on feedback via the consultation.

The redlined version of the 2023 ISRM can be found here


The Guidelines pertaining to the ISTI have been updated in accordance with the 2023 ISTI. Regarding the Guidelines for Testing During a Pandemic, these complement the addition of Annex K and expand upon the Guidance for Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic document that WADA developed and published during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Guidelines pertaining to the ISTUE have been updated in accordance with the 2023 ISTUE and provide detailed information and examples for athletes, ADOs, physicians and Athlete Support Personnel regarding TUEs.

All Guidelines can be found on WADA’s website and on WADA’s Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL), along with additional supporting documents for each of the above guidelines (e.g., templates, checklists, etc.). Notably, the Doping Control Officer (DCO) Manual template has been updated in line with the Guidelines and the ISTI.

WADA Guidelines provide World Anti-Doping Code Signatories with recommended practices for several aspects of anti-doping programs. While they are not mandatory, they offer technical guidance to ADOs in the implementation of their anti-doping programs. As with all Guidelines under the World Anti-Doping Program, these documents are subject to ongoing review.

Should you have any questions or comments regarding the 2023 ISTI or ISTI Guidelines, we invite you to contact Should you have any questions or comments regarding the 2023 ISRM, please contact; or, regarding the ISTUE Guidelines, please contact