
WADA publishes Guidelines for Human Source Management

The World Anti-Doping Agency is pleased to publish new Guidelines for Human Source Management (Guidelines), which will serve as a model of best practice for the management of Human Sources by Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs). 

The use of a Human Source, a term that includes informants and whistleblowers, is a legitimate and important investigative tool in the fight against doping and has been an integral part of the prosecution of many Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) cases. The management of Human Sources must be of the highest ethical and professional standard to ensure the protection of their identity and the confidentiality of the information they provide. 

To that end, WADA Intelligence and Investigations (I&I) has produced these Guidelines to support ADOs in the development and management of Human Source programs. The Guidelines, which feature fundamental principles and best practices, are part of WADA’s ongoing work to better educate ADOs on important investigative methodologies and practices in this important area. 

Damien Larin, Head of WADA’s Confidential Information Unit, stressed the importance of implementing proper Source Management principals, stating that “managing confidential Human Sources is not an activity that should be taken lightly. WADA and the anti-doping community have a responsibility to ensure that Human Sources who help support investigations are protected and that their information is safeguarded. The best way to ensure this is by developing a Human Source program built on the fundamentals of documentation, oversight, direction, and risk management. The Guidelines provide practical guidance on how to accomplish this, but also set a standard for ADOs that are currently working with Human Sources. We’re very encouraged that this important area continues to grow, and WADA I&I is invested in ensuring that it is done the right way.” 

Accessing the Guidelines 

The Guidelines are available on WADA’s Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL). Stakeholders will need to create an ADEL account in order to access the content. 

The Guidelines are currently available in English and will later also be made available in French.  

Should you have any questions regarding the Guidelines, or wish to provide feedback, please contact WADA’s Confidential Information Unit at