
WADA partnered to deliver sixth annual Anti-Doping Intelligence & Investigations Network Expert Group session

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This week, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was pleased to collaborate with the Agence française de lutte contre le dopage (AFLD) to host an Anti-Doping Intelligence and investigations Network (ADIIN) Expert Group session in Paris, France.

The sixth annual session, which began yesterday and ends today, welcomed approximately forty participants from WADA Intelligence & Investigations (I&I), National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs), International Federations and the International Testing Agency to discuss ongoing investigations and share their respective experiences.

With a focus on cooperation during anti-doping investigations, AFLD’s Intelligence & Investigations department detailed its new investigative powers and how they strengthen Anti-Doping Rule Violation detection and resolution.

ADIIN Expert Group’s members also had the opportunity to exchange with representatives from French law enforcement involved in the fight against doping, notably the National Gendarmerie and French Customs.

This session represented an opportunity to collectively reflect on how to improve ADIIN. In particular, the members discussed:

  • Increasing ADIIN’s global representation via potential geographical intelligence and investigation hub; and
  • Strengthening support to NADOs developing their intelligence and investigation capacities through mentoring.


In order to harmonize and strengthen the investigation of doping in sport worldwide, in 2017, WADA I&I started building ADIIN to serve as a resource to assist Anti-Doping Organizations in conducting investigations; and, to identify and promote best practice investigative standards.