
WADA launches Call for Proposals for 2025 Social Science Research Grant Program

basketball hoop

Deadline to submit applications is 18 November 2024 (12:00 noon GMT) 

Webinar for prospective applicants to be held on 2 October 

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to launch a Call for Proposals for its 2025 Social Science Research Grant Program (Grant Program).  

Social science research (SSR) is an integral part of the anti-doping system. Using SSR to better understand doping as a human behavior helps support the prevention model that underpins the anti-doping system, which is built around rule of law, education, deterrence, detection, and enforcement. WADA is committed to SSR, demonstrated through its investment in the Grant Program since 2005 and the success of the 2020-2024 SSR Strategy. This commitment will continue into the future with the development of a new strategy already underway. 

The Grant Program is key to ensuring a continued investment in research so that anti-doping programs can be designed using an evidence-based approach. Through the Grant Program, WADA awards research grants to organizations of all types (such as universities, colleges, small businesses, for-profit, and not-for-profit organizations). 

Since 2005, WADA has invested more than USD 5 million in SSR grants for more than 150 projects.  

Research Priorities 

The SSR priorities are based on an athlete-centered model that identifies six overarching levels of influence with 12 priorities. Applicants’ primary research priority should be in line with WADA’s defined priorities, though it is possible to submit applications outside of these with a clear and strong rationale. The current SSR priorities are as follows: 

  • Athlete pathway & experience 
  • Clean Sport behaviors 
  • Role and influence of athlete support personnel 
  • Experience of athlete support personnel in Clean Sport 
  • Effectiveness of anti-doping programs 
  • Anti-doping policy impact 
  • People investment 
  • Prevention model 
  • Evolution of sport practices 
  • Sport policy 
  • Non-sport influences 
  • Horizon scanning 

More information on these research priorities can be found in the Overview & Guidance for Applicants

To submit an application 

We kindly ask applications to be submitted via the Agency’s WADA Grants platform by 18 November 2024 (12:00 noon GMT). Please note that this deadline applies to all three Tiers of Investment. 

WADA seeks to enhance SSR capability in traditionally under-represented and underfunded regions—namely, Asia, Latin America, and Africa—and encourages researchers from these regions to apply. Please note that applications in French are also encouraged and accepted through the WADA Grants platform. 

Upcoming Webinar 

To support prospective applicants navigate the application process, WADA’s Education Team will be hosting a webinar on 2 October at 08:00 EST (in English). Register here. 

2025 Grant Program Timeline 

Webinar to assist prospective applicants 

2 October 2024 

Deadline for applications to be submitted on WADA Grants  

18 November 2024 

SSR Expert Advisory Group to submit recommendations to Education Committee 

January 2025 

Education Committee to submit recommendations to Executive Committee 

March 2025 

For further information regarding the 2025 Grant Program, please refer to the Overview and Guidance for Applicants and Frequently Asked Questions section of the WADA Grants platform; and/or, contact the Agency’s Education Department at