
REMINDER: WADA to launch new Athlete Biological Passport features tomorrow, 22 August 2023


Further to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) recent communications regarding the new Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) Guidelines concerning the Endocrine and Steroidal Modules of the ABP, WADA would like to remind all stakeholders that these new ABP features will come into effect tomorrow, 22 August 2023, between 18:00 and 22:00 GMT.  

The new features include: 

  • The launch of the Endocrine Module and of new steroid markers measured in blood (serum) samples as part of the Steroid Module; and 

ABP users are asked to please take note of the following: 

  • Upon launching the Next Gen ABP module in ADAMS, the current version of the ABP module will be retired and will no longer be available to our users, as the two versions cannot co-exist in ADAMS; 

  • Passports requiring follow up will no longer be identifiable through the “Notification” section, but instead will be organized in the designated tabs for Anti-Doping; Organizations (ADOs), Athlete Passport Management Units (APMUs), and Experts, or by using the dashboard filters; and 

  • As of tomorrow, WADA-accredited Laboratories will also be able to begin uploading data for samples analyzed for the Endocrine Module and/or the new blood steroid markers.  

More details on the new ADAMS Next Gen ABP features can be found here. A tutorial video highlighting the new ABP features can be viewed here

A recent webinar providing an overview of the new Next Gen ABP features can be found in WADA’s Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform (ADEL), in the Recently held Webinars section, or in the APMU or Expert channels for APMU/Expert users. 

Any questions regarding the use of Next Gen ABP in ADAMS should be directed to and any questions regarding the use of the Endocrine Module or new blood steroid markers of the Steroid Module should be directed towards and