
Francisco León appointed Director of WADA’s Latin America and Caribbean Region Office

Image of Francisco León

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to announce that, effective 11 March, Francisco León, who is currently WADA’s Head of Program Development, will assume the role of Director of WADA’s Latin America and Caribbean Region Office, which is located in Montevideo, Uruguay.  

As Director of WADA’s Latin America and Caribbean Region Office, Francisco will lead the team that is currently in place. Together, they will focus their efforts on liaising with public authorities and regional sports organizations; and, supporting regional stakeholders in developing their anti-doping programs and reaching and maintaining compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code).

They will also support capacity-building through the Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADO) program, involving 29 countries within the Pan American and Caribbean RADOs; assist with implementation of education programs; establish and maintain cooperation agreements with government agencies, sporting bodies, laboratories and other stakeholders to push the clean sport agenda; and, facilitate the collection of annual regional contributions to WADA’s budget. 

WADA Director General, Olivier Niggli, said: “WADA views 2024 and 2025 as crucial years for consolidating existing partnerships and alliances in the Latin America and Caribbean Region and developing new ones to better protect athletes in the region. We are very pleased to appoint Francisco León as Director of WADA’s Latin America and Caribbean Region Office. Francisco started his anti-doping career in Peru; and, over the years has accumulated exceptional operational knowledge and built strong relationships in the region and worldwide. A natural communicator, Francisco has consistently demonstrated a collaborative and supportive approach with stakeholders. I am very confident that, under his leadership, the Latin America and Caribbean Region Office team will work collaboratively to ensure that Anti-Doping Organizations have the resources and expertise that they need to implement Code-compliant programs; and, promote clean sport in the region.” 

Francisco, who is a Peruvian national record holder in pole vaulting, joined WADA in 2016 as Manager, NADO/RADO Relations. In July 2021, he assumed the role of Head of Program Development where his objective has been to assess the health of Anti-Doping Organization programs from compliance and development data; and, to coordinate activities to address any gaps in coordination with WADA’s functional areas and the Agency’s four Regional Offices.

Prior to joining WADA, from 2014 – 2016, Francisco was Director of Sport Development and Recreation at the Peruvian Sport Ministry (IPD); and also, Vice President of the National Anti-Doping Organization. During this period, Francisco also taught Sports Management courses at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences.