
We have always devoted resources not only to staying on top of trends related to both doping and anti-doping, but also to anticipating the elusive ‘next big thing’.

Improving the detection of substances, longer window of detection, better identification of real contamination cases, and better analysis and reporting of substances of abuse, are among the areas on which we focus our efforts.

Here is a look at the past, present and future of some other developments in anti-doping led by WADA.


(non-scientific explanation)




Matrices for anti-doping use

Type of samples collected for analysis

Detection in urine only

Mainly urine with blood (from veins) for specific analyses (e.g. hGH, gene doping)

Equal use of urine, blood and further development of Dried Blood Spot (DBS) testing for a larger number of substances



Human Growth Hormone

No detection method

Method for direct and indirect (biomarkers) detection

Direct detection and include biomarkers (indirect method) in the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP – blood module) with a longer detection window


Gene Doping

Gene Doping

No detection method

Direct detection of transgene and some RNAs

Integration of a full strategy to detect any form of gene doping by indirect methods (screening) and direct methods (confirmation)



Artificial Intelligence

No application

Pilot project in ABP modules for detection of abnormal profiles

Full automated integration into ADAMS with automatic identification of abnormal profiles and alerts to ADOs



Athlete Biological Passport

No longitudinal individualized data analysis

Hematological module established and endocrine module in development

Integration of all modules (i.e. hematological, endocrine, performance) into ADAMS