En vigueur

Reducing matrix interferences for improved determination: utilization of SFC-MS/MS for challenging analytes in doping control

Investigateur principal
M. Parr
German Sport University
Année approuvée
En vigueur

Description du projet

Code: 21A02MP

In human sports the application of glucocorticoids is limited by anti-doping regulations, however, recent statements of professional cyclists underline the high potential of misuse. Currently, for glucocorticoids a reporting level of 30 ng/mL in urine is established in doping control analysis. Etamivan is classified as respiratory stimulant, that is also prohibited in sports. Due to its high metabolic sulfonation in humans, in recent external quality assessment schemes (EQUAS) etamivan-sulfate was explicitly integrated as target analyte besides the parent compound etamivan. At present a reporting limit of 50 ng/mL for stimulants is specified. Both classes are highly prone to matrix interferences in LC-ESI-MS/MS that may confound quantitation and thus influence decision of reporting. As orthogonal technique, SFC-MS/MS may help to overcome these issues. Thus, the project aims to investigate its potential for determination of glucocorticosteroids and etamivan and its sulfoconjugate. Furthermore, the LC- and SFC-based methods will be compared in terms of matrix interferences and accuracy of determination.