En vigueur

Oral Turinabol long-term metabolites after methylclostebol administration: Generation and elimination profiles

Investigateur principal
M. Parr
German Sport University
Année approuvée
En vigueur
Stéroïdes anabolisants

Description du projet

Code: 21C09MP

The administration of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) is prohibited as doping in sports. Anti-doping analysis tries to target long-term metabolites of AAS to extend the detection windows. For several 17-methylsteroids the detection of 17β-hydroxymethyl-17α-methyl-13-enes demonstrated superior detection times over other metabolites monitored so far. In dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT), active pharmaceutical ingredient of Oral Turinabol, four metabolites with this structure have been reported so far, (Sobolevsky “I”, “M2”, “M3”, and “M4”). The integration of these metabolites into initial testing procedures resulted in a strong increase of adverse analytical findings in doping control, that are currently considered to trace back an administration of DHCMT. Compared to DHCMT methylclostebol (chloromethyltestosterone, ClMT) lacks the 1(2) double bond in the A-ring. Based on common knowledge on steroid metabolism it is expected that "M3" may also be excreted after methylclostebol administration, while the other metabolites might be better suited for discrimination of the administered parent drug. The project therefore aims to investigate the excretion of the above mentioned metabolites after methylclostebol administration and to monitor their excretion kinetics. Integration of the “classical” methylclostebol metabolites will complement the investigation. A comparison with the data obtained for DHCMT is also planned.