• bicycle

Social Science Research Collaboration Platform

Social Science Research Collaboration Platform

About the SSR Collaboration Platform

The Social Science Research (SSR) Collaboration Platform is an informal community of practice for international organizations that fund or support SSR in sport integrity matters. We focus on sharing best practices and raising the visibility of SSR to increase its usability and, ultimately, its impact on the sporting system. The organizations involved share experiences using their collective insights to improve the benefits of SSR, including reducing duplication of research and importantly, improving the way in which SSR is disseminated, understood and adopted by stakeholders in the field of sport.

To receive information regarding funding opportunities, please subscribe through the form at the bottom of this page.

Network Members

There are currently six different organizations who are active as part of the SSR Collaboration Platform. As an informal network, other international and regional organizations that have a role in supporting social science research in sport are welcome to join us at any time. The network also welcomes private organizations and other supporters of social science research in sport integrity. To find out more about members’ individual research programs, please follow the links below.

  • Council of europe

    Council of Europe

  • European Commission

    European Commission Erasmus+ Sport Actions

  • ioc-logo

    International Olympic Committee / The Olympic Studies Centre

  • Partnership for Clean Competition

    Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC)

  • unesco

    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

  • wada-en

    World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

Calls for Proposals

Some members have regular calls for proposals, you can find out more about these from the table below and by following the links provided.

Organization Funding type and usual deadlines Details
European Commission

Annual Funding

February / March                  

EU funding in the field of sport is provided by

  • the Erasmus+ program
  • Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions (PPPA)

Both initiatives are managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

IOC Olympic Studies Center

Annual and Biennial Funding

January and September   


Research Grant Programs:

  • Advanced Olympic Research Grant Program (biennial)
  • PhD Students and Early Career Academics Research Grant Program (annual)
Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC)

Multiple-cycle funding

Pre-Applications: 1 February and 1 August


Research Grant Programs:

  • PCC Research Grants
  • Micro-Grants
  • Fellowships
UNESCO Annual Funding

Established in 2008, the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport assists States Parties to the International Convention against Doping in Sport to develop and implement anti-doping projects.

Providing practical and technical support, the Fund has three priorities: 

  • education projects focusing on youth and sport organizations, 
  • policy advice, and 
  • mentoring and capacity-building. 
World Anti-Doping Agency

Annual Funding


The Program has three distinct tiers of investment available for applicants. Each tier is defined by the scale and scope of the research projects, as explained in the 2024 Social Science Research Grant Program - Overview and Guidance for Applicants. 

Research Projects

Individual members also publish research reports and findings they fund or support. Please follow the links below to find out more.

Council of Europe European Commission   
IOC Olympics Studies Centre Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC)
UNESCO World Anti-Doping Agency

Events and Conferences


Useful links

Updates from the SSR Collaboration Platform

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